We are co-authors of a new article in the prestigious international scientific journal International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control (Wiley). The paper presents a new technique for the non-conservative robust control design for dynamic systems. The paper is a partial result of the collaboration between our institute and Technische Universität Dortmund.
Sankaranarayanan Subramanian – Sergio Lucia – Radoslav Paulen – Sebastian Engell: Tube-enhanced multi-stage model predictive control for flexible robust control of constrained linear systems with additive and parametric uncertainties
On April 16, we co-organised the second online workshop on "Embedded Optimal Control" together with our colleagues from RUB Bochum, Germany. Our aim was to share the latest scientific results and discuss the opportunities to push forward the perspective ideas.
On March 5, we co-organised an online workshop on "Embedded Optimal Control" together with our colleagues from RUB Bochum, Germany. Our aim was to share the latest scientific results and discuss the opportunities to push forward the perspective ideas.
Publisher Elsevier provides open access to new research articles for 50 days to help share the current scientific results:
Juraj Oravec – Michaela Horváthová – Monika Bakošová: Multivariable Robust MPC Design for Neutralization Plant: Experimental Analysis. European Journal of Control, zv. 58, str. 289–300, 2021.
On Friday, February 26, 2021 at 13:00, Ing. Matúš Furka and Ing. Martin Mojto will undergo a dissertation exam in the study programme 2621V03 Process Control D-RP (study branch Cybernetics). A part of the examination is a defense of Ing. Furka's written thesis entitled "Sensor networks with advanced security and anonymization properties" and Ing. Mojto's written thesis entitled "Data-based Design of Inferential Sensors for Petrochemical Industry". The examination will take place on-line and audience can watch it via Google Meet. A YouTube live stream will also be available.
On January 19, IAM students: Martin Durgala, Martin Meliška, Tímea Mészárosová, Monika Špaková, Jozef Vargan, and Patrik Valábek defended online their semestral projects.
On January 12, IAM students: Martin Bachorík, Michal Gubrický, Katarína Karaffová, Juraj Kavor, Michal Mateáš, Lucia Míková, and Peter Szedlák defended online their semestral projects.
Dr. Martin Klaučo is a vice-chair of the prestigious Czechoslovakia Section of IEEE, Control Systems Chapter. Congratulations!
To ease the current lockdown situation in Europe faced by many researchers, the Organizing Committee of the Process Control 2021 conference has decided to finally extend the submission deadline for the contributions to January 31, 2021. You can submit your contributions on-line via the conference management system. All necessary instructions can be found on the PC21 homepage.