On Tuesday (June, 23) IAM students: Tereza Ábelová, Kristína Fedorová, Lenka Galčíková, Matej Kintler, Roman Kohut, Alexey Morozov, Martin Nemeš, Michal Slávik, and Rudolf Trautenberger, have successfully defended their master theses. Congratulations!
Our paper entitled "Set-membership nonlinear regression approach to parameter estimation" has been selected to win this year’s Journal of Process Control Paper Prize.
On Friday, June 12, 2020 at 13:00, MSc. Carlso Valero will undergo a dissertation exam in the study programme 2621V03 Process Control D-RP (study branch Cybernetics). A part of the examination is a defense of a written thesis entitled "Set-membership State Estimation". The examination will take place on-line and audience can watch it via Google Meet. A YouTube live stream will also be available.
Science lives also in today's unusual times and crosses the borders even though the physical borders are closed. In the period May 12-15, 2020, European Control Conference 2020 takes place. For the first time in the history of the event, it is held virtually and thus the conference can be open to the participation of the whole world.
Publisher Elsevier provides open access to new research articles for 50 days to help share the current scientific results:
Juraj Oravec – Michaela Horváthová – Monika Bakošová: Energy efficient convex-lifting-based robust control of a heat exchanger. Energy (201), 1–11, 2020.
On Friday, April 24, 2020 at 10:30am, Ayush Sharma will defend his PhD thesis entitled "Mathematical Modeling and Optimal Operation of Membrane Processes" in the study programme 2621V03 Process Control D-RP. The defense will take place on-line and audience can watch it via Google Meet. A YouTube live stream will also be available.
Update: the video from the defense is now available online: first part (defense and questions), and second part (announcement of results)
We are proud to announce that we are co-authors of 9 papers that will be presented at IFAC World Congress 2020 in Berlin. Moreover, we are co-organisers of 2 Invited Sessions and 1 Workshop
On Monday, February 24, 2020, Prof. Martin Mönnigmann (RUB Bochum, Germany) gave a lecture on "Accelerating MPC with Closed-Loop Optimal Sequences of Affine Feedback Laws". This is joint work with Prof. Gabriele Pannocchia (University of Pisa, Italy).
The science is not excellent on its own. It is a must that the members of the scientific community devote their time (usually voluntarily) to judge on the scientific outcomes of their colleagues. This way the presented methods and results are greatly improved. Dr Radoslav Paulen was recognized for his reviewing work by a renowned international journal Optimal Control Applications and Methods (OCAM).