We cordially invite you on October 1, 2019 at 9:00 to visit a modernized wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Petržalka.
Contact: Ing. Richard Valo, PhD.
On Friday, October 4, 2019 in the morning hours, our students under the direction of Ing. Richard Valo, PhD will visit the Volkswagen company in Bratislava.
Ing. Richard Valo, PhD. organizes an interesting excursion for I-CHEI students, during which they will visit the Danube Brewery on Monday 30 September. During the excursion students will learn about the technology of beer production in terms of automation and process control.
Dr. Radoslav Paulen and PhD candidate Martin Mojto conducted a research exchange stay at Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany from August, 31 to September, 11. During the stay, Dr. Paulen gave a seminar on "Optimal Control of Batch Membrane Processes" a Mr. Mojto presented his research work in the lecture "Control structure analysis and design of inferentials for an industrial depropanizer column".
On Friday, September 20, Dr Juraj Oravec delivered his Habilitation lecture on "Advanced Methods of Robust Control Design for Energy Demanding Plants".
On Wednesday, September 11, 2019, Prof. Yuri A.W. Shardt (TU Ilmenau, Germany) gave a lecture on "Big Data and System Identification: Challenges and Opportunities".
On Monday, September 16, 2019 at 2pm in the room 641, Karolína Jastřembská (Univerzita Pardubice) will give a lecture on "Pressure driven membrane processes: Membrane and its role in the separation".
On Monday, August 26, 2019, Prof. Boris Houska (ShanghaiTech University, China) gave a lecture on "Moment Based Learning".
On Tuesday, July 16, 2019, Prof. Jacek Czeczot, Dr Michal Fratczak, Dr Pawel Nowak, and Patryk Grelewicz (Silesian University of Technology, Poland) gave a lecture on "Model-Based Control in Industrial Automation - Implementation and Tuning".
Publisher Elsevier provides open access to new research articles for 50 days to help share the current results:
R. Paulen – M. Fikar: Dynamic real-time optimization of batch processes using Pontryagin’s minimum principle and set-membership adaptation. Computers & Chemical Engineering, vol. 128, pp. 488–495, 2019.