Graduation ceremony of bachelor students at FCHPT, STU in Bratislava was on Tuesday, July 2. Graduated were IAM students: Michal Gubrický, Juraj Kavor, Darko Križan, Michaela Lehotová, and Lucia Míková. Congratulations!
In the framework of his sabbatical stay at Imperial College London (8th place in the QS World University Ranking), Dr. Radoslav Paulen gave a seminar on "Optimal Control of Membrane Diafiltration Processes" on June 25, 2019.
On Monday, July 1, 2019, Prof. Gustavo Sanchez (JK Lakshmipat University, India) gave a lecture on "Technologies for Crop Monitoring - Some Opportunities and Challenges in India".
Prof. Miroslav Fikar and Dr. Radoslav Paulen particapted at the 29th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-29) in Eindhoven, Netherlands (June 16 to 19, 2019).
On Monday (June, 17) students: Michal Gubrický, Matej Hatvanyi, Katarína Karaffová, Juraj Kavor, Darko Križan, Michaela Lehotová, Lucia Míková, and Jozef Štofa, have successfully defended their bachelor theses. Congratulations!
The graduation ceremony of master students at FCHPT, STU in Bratislava was on Tuesday, June 11. IAM students Oliver Čizmazia, Matúš Furka, Michaela Horváthová (Magna Cum Laude), Rudolf Hronec, Karol Kiš, and Martin Mojto were graduated. Congratulations!
On June, 10 the students who defended the outstanding master thesis were awarded at FCHPT, STU in Bratislava. IAM students Oliver Cizmazia and Michaela Horváthová were also awarded for their master thesis. Congratulations!
Final exams of the bachelor study will take place on 17.6.2019.
Springer published a new book written by Dr Martin Klaučo and Prof Michal Kvasnica:
MPC-Based Reference Governors - Theory and Case Studies
On Monday (May, 27) IAM students: Daniel Boroš, Oliver Čizmazia, Matúš Furka, Michaela Horváthová, Rudolf Hronec, Karol Kiš, Marika Malovcová, Martin Mojto, and Jakub Nosko, have successfully defended their master theses. Congratulations!