Martin Klaučo was awarded by the Award of Rector of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava for PhD study. Congratulation!
We are co-authors of three papers presented at 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, including 27th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering.
On Friday, September 29th, Deepak Ingole successfully defended his PhD thesis "Embedded Implementation of Explicit Model Predictive Control" supervised by Associated Professor Ing. Michal Kvasnica, PhD. Congratulation!
Michal Kvasnica was awarded by Prize of the Literary Fund of the Slovak Republic for the most frequently cited article and Prize of the Literary Fund of the Slovak Republic for the second highest number citations in 3 years. Congratulations!
Pictures: FB-IAM
A scientific seminar will be held on Friday 22.09.2017 at 09:00 in the room 641. A talk on "Towards modular and scalable predictive control" will be given by Prof. Sergio Lucia from TU Berlin.
Deepak Ingole will deliver a talk on Embedded Implementation of Explicit Model Predictive Control this Friday, September 22, 2017, at 10:30 in room no. 641.
The Institute of Information Engineering, Automation, and Mathematics at FCHPT STU in Bratislava is looking for a postdoc for a new research project devoted to the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence to process control. More information can be found on the project's site.
The group of prof. Streif at TU Chemnitz, Germany is looking for candidates for filling of several vacancies (PhD students or PostDocs) starting November 2017 or later. The research addresses robust and explicit model predictive control, set-based analysis and hierarchical controller design, learning-based optimal control, and stochastic optimal control. More information is available in the attached flyer and at
A talk will be held on Friday 25.8.2017 at 10am in the room 641.
On Thursday, August 17th, Ján Drgoňa and Martin Klaučo successfully finished their PhD studies. Congratulation.