We are looking for new members to join our young, multi-cultural team, working on a variety of network technologies which AT&T is deploying for the business customers all around the globe.
There will be a presentation of B & R company on "MAPP - HTML5 in industrial automation" on Monday, April 25, 2016 at 10:00 am in room no. NB641. This presentation will be the part of course "Information Engineering and Industrial Information Systems I".
The program to support young researchers of STU in Bratislava has supported also the projects of IIEAM FCFT submitted by Ing. Juraj Holaza (Implementation of Explicit MPC on Processes of Chemical and Food Technologies) and Ing. MSc. Martin Klaučo (Advanced MPC of Energy-Demanding Processes of Chemical and Food Technologies).
Change of the date on the Friday, 15.4 2016.
An excursion completed the familiarization program with a modern automated manufacturing process.
At Slovkord Plus SpA become acquainted with the procedures of processing of granulate for production of PET fibers from which the sister company Kordarna Plus SpA produce other products.
On Monday morning, our students lead by Ing. Jane PLCHOVÁ visit the Volkswagen plant in Bratislava.
The institute publication:
Bustince, H. – Fernandez, J. – Kolesárová, A. – Mesiar, R.: Generation of linear orders for intervals by means of aggregation functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 220, 69–77, 2013.
received the STU award for the most highly cited paper published in 2013-2015.
We would like to invite you to 24th International trade fair of electrical engineering, electronics, energy, automation, telecommunication, lighting and security technologies - AMPER 2016, which will be organized between 15th and 18th March 2016 in the exhibition area BRNO EXHIBITION CENTRE.
The expo is from 15th to 18th March.
Exact date of our visit is 18.3 2016.