At the NMPC 2015 (5th IFAC Nonlinear Model Predictive Control) conference, which took place in Seville, Spain between September 17 and 20, 2015, we have presented the paper Ingole, D. – Kvasnica, M.: FPGA Implementation of Explicit Model Predictive Control for Closed Loop Control of Depth of Anesthesia.
The institute publication:
Bustince, H. – Galar, M. – Benjamin, B. – Kolesárová, A. – Mesiar, R.: A new approach to interval-valued Choquet integrals and the problem of ordering in interval-valued fuzzy set applications. IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, 21(6), 1150–1162, 2013.
received the outstanding paper award in journal IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems in year 2013.
Four papers from institute were presented at European Control Conference (ECC 2015) that took place in Linz, Austria on July 15-17:
Four papers from institute were presented at IFAC symposium Robust Control Design (ROCOND) that took place in Bratislava on July 8-11:
RNDr. Zdenko Takáč won the 2015 STU table tennis tournament for our faculty. Congratulations.
Our PhD students Ján Drgoňa and Martin Klaučo have successfully defended their respective minitheses which entitle them to continue with the second half of their respective PhD studies. Congratulations!
Create a new process design, or solve a process plant problem and win free attendance to the prestigious Honeywell Users Group to present your work.
Michal Kvasnica and Martin Klaučo represented our institute at prestigious IEEE conferencei CDC (Conference on Decision and Control) v Los Angeles, 15-17.12.2014 with paper Explicit MPC Approach to PMV-Based Thermal Comfort Control.