A research position is available at the Institute of Information Engineering, Automation, and Mathematics, STU in Bratislava in the field of embedded optimization-based control. We are seeking an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) to work on implementation of explicit model predictive control on programmable logic controllers (PLCs). The successful candidate will also work on case studies with the employing partner and with other consortium partners. The position is funded by the TEMPO EU FP7 project.
Ing. Juraj Oravec received award Student of the year 2013 at STU in the category PhD student. The award was given by the rector of STU on Monday, 18.11.2013.
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL, http://www.merl.com) located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, invites qualified candidates to apply for the position of Member, Research Staff and to join its growing Mechatronics Group.
Prof. Colin Jones from EPFL Lausanne will give a lecture on "Plug-and-Play Synthesis and Computation of Predictive Controllers" on Friday, October 18th at 10:30am in room no. 641 (6th floor, block B of the FCHPT STU building on the Radlinskeho 9 street).
Jakub Bendžala will present main results of his bachelor and diploma thesis this Friday, October 11th at 10:45 in room number 641.
We will be pleased to welcome you during the 19th International fair of electrical engineering, electronics, energy and telecommunications ELOSYS 2013, which will be held on 15th October 2013 in the exhibition area EXPO CENTER Trencin.
Two days course(together).
On Friday, October 4th at 11am in room number 154 (1st floor of the faculty building at Radlinskeho 9), doc. Petráš from FBERGU TUKE will deliver a public scientific lecture on Fractional-order systems and fractional-order controllers: Methods for their modelling, identification, and implementation.
This Tuesday, September 24th at 1pm in room no. 641 Ing. Petr Dolezel, PhD. from University of Pardubice will talk about Piecewise-Linear Neural Networks in Process Control.