On February 19, 2010 at 11 a.m. will be given a lecture by Henrik Manum, University Trondheime, Norway. The topic of the lecture is Constrained Self-Optimizing Control.
Place: Department of the Information Engineering and Process Control, Institute of Information Enginnering, Automation and Mathematics, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, room No. 641.
Honeywell Process Solutions' 3rd Annual student challenge: Innovative use of UniSim Design for industry applications.
We had two defences of doctoral theses today:
The presentation deals with design of a robust controller via algebraic µ‑synthesis for the two tank system, which is a well known benchmark problem.
Paper registration: 9.7 2009
Full paper: 24.7 2009
Information of acceptance: 10.8 2009
Conference: 8.9 2009
Decision of the Scientific Council of STU in Bratislava.
Prof. Ing. Dr. M. Fikar
defended doctoral thesis and obtained degree DrSc. (doctor of technical sciences).
Prof. Ing. Ján Mikleš, DrSc., head of the committee.
Due to a high number of requests, the Organizing Committee of the Process Control 2009 conference has decided to extend the deadline for full paper submissions to February 8, 2009. You can submit your full papers on-line via the conference management system. All necessary instructions can be found on the conference web page.