Pracovné zaradenie:
Pedagogický pracovník
Oddelenie matematiky (OM)
NB 604
+421 259 325 335
Článok v časopise
P. Viceník : Explicit formulas for t-conorms constructed by the sum of ranges of discrete additive generators of t-conorms . Fuzzy Sets and Systems , zv. 485 , 2024.
P. Viceník : The construction of discrete additive generators of t-conorms based on the sum of ranges of discrete additive generators of t-conorms . Fuzzy Sets and Systems , zv. 448 , str. 157–172, 2022.
P. Viceník : The constructions of non-continuous additive generators of t-conorms based on discrete addtive generators of discrete t-conorms . Fuzzy Sets and Systems , zv. 378 , str. 1–22, 2020.
P. Viceník : Strictly increasing additive generators of the second kind of associative binary operations . Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications , č. 74, str. 159–176, 2019.
P. Viceník : On some algebraic and topological properties of generated border-continuous triangular norms . Fuzzy Sets and Systems , zv. 224 , 2013.
P. Viceník : On a class of generated triangular norms and their isomorphisms . Fuzzy sets and systems , č. 10, zv. 161 , str. 1448–1458, 2010.
P. Viceník : Additive generators of border-continuous triangular norms . Fuzzy Sets and Systems , zv. 159 , str. 1631–1645, 2008.
P. Viceník : Intersections of ranges of additive generators of associative functions . Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications , zv. 40 , str. 117–131, 2008.
P. Viceník : Additive generators of associative functions . Fuzzy Sets and Systems , zv. 153 , str. 137–160, 2005.
P. Viceník : A note to a construction of t-norms based on pseudo-inverses of monotone functions . Fuzzy Sets and Systems , č. 1, zv. 104 , str. 15–18, 1999.
P. Viceník : A note on generators of t-norms . BUSEFAL , č. 75, str. 33–38, 1998.
Príspevok na konferencii
P. Viceník : The construction of triangular conorms by means of additive generators . Editor(i): Miroslav Hrubý, Pavlína Račková, V Matematika, informační technologie a aplikované vedy (MITAV 2018) , Univerzita obrany v Brne, str. 66–66, 2018.
P. Viceník : Strictly increasing additive generators of the second kind of associative binary operations . V Abstracts of the 32nd International Summer Conference on Real Functions Theory, Stará Lesná, Slovakia, September 2-7 , C-Press, Košice, str. 42–42, 2018.
Článok v kolekcii
P. Viceník : Additive generators of non-continuous triangular norms . V Topological and Algebraic Structures in Fuzzy Sets, A Handbook of Recent Developments in the Mathematics of Fuzzy Sets , Editor(i): Rodabaugh, S. E.; Klement, E. P., Kluwer Academic Publishers, str. 441–454, 2003.