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My research interests include mathematical control theory, switched systems, multi-agent systems, and time scales theory. Currently, I am working with Prof. Radoslav Paulen on model predictive control, focusing on its applications in chemical and biochemical processes.
Vybrané publikácie
Článok v časopise
B. Kumar – M. Malik: Analysis of Hyers–Ulam stability and controllability of non-linear switched impulsive systems with delays on time scales . IFAC Journal of Systems and Control , zv. 30 , 2024.
B. Kumar – M. Malik: Consensus analysis via impulsive control for nonlinear hybrid singular switched multi-agent systems with event-triggered mechanism . International Journal of Systems Science , č. 13, zv. 55 , 2024.
B. Kumar – M. Malik – M. Sajid: Pinning Control Strategies for Bipartite Consensus in Nonlinear Hybrid Singular Switched Multi-Agent Systems . IEEE ACCESS , zv. 12 , 2024.
B. Kumar – M. Malik: Controllability analysis of nonlinear switched singular system on time scales . Asian Journal of Control , č. 3, zv. 25 , 2023.
B. Kumar – M. Malik: Controllability results for singular switched system on time scales . Journal of Control and Decision , č. 2, zv. 11 , 2023.
B. Kumar – M. Malik: Existence, controllability and Hyers–Ulam stability of a hybrid neutral switched system with impulsive effects . International Journal of Systems Science , č. 13, zv. 55 , 2023.
Príspevok na konferencii
B. Kumar – M. Malik: Finite-time stability of positive switched impulsive and multi-agent systems with event-triggered controller on non-uniform time domains . V IEEE 18th International Conference on Control & Automation , 2024.