S. Pavlíková: Upper bounds on the HOMO-LUMO spectral gap of graphs. Editor(i): Š. Gyürki, S. Pavlíková, J. Širáň, V 56th Czech and Slovak Conference on Graph Theory, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava Slovak Mathematical Society, Radlinskeho 11, Bratislava, str. 39–39, 2021.
S. Pavlíková: Balanced Inverces of graphs. V 55 th Czech-Slovak Conference on Graph Theory 2020, Faculty of informatics, Masaryk University, Botanicka 88A, Brno, str. 22–23, 2020.
S. Pavlíková – J. Širáň: Inverting non-invertible labeled trees. Editor(i): Sergio Cabello, Bojan Mohar, V Abstracts of the 9th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory, Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, IMFM, Jadranska 19, 1000 Ljubljana, str. 143–143, 2019.
S. Pavlíková: Inverses of Graphs. V Internacional conference on theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics, Kalasalingram University, Krishnankoil, Tamil Nadu, India, str. 20–20, 2016.
P. Fabo – S. Pavlíková: Interactive scool experiments in the PSE graphical environment. Editor(i): Miroslav Hrubý, Šárka Hošková - Mayerová, V Mathematics, Information Technologies and Applied Sciences 2015 - Post - conference proceedings of extende versions of selected papers, University of Defence, Brno, Brno, Czech Republic, str. 67-77, 2015.
G. Gašpar – S. Pavlíková – P. Fabo – B. Pavilek: Jasper - A Platform for Teaching Mechatronics. Editor(i): Tomáš Březina, Ryszard Jabloński, V Mechatronics 2013, Recent Technological and Scientific Advnces, Springer, str. 883–889, 2014.
D. Maga – J. Ďuďák – S. Pavlíková – J. Hájek – B. Šimák: Support of Technical Education at Primary and Secondary Level. Editor(i): Dušan Maga, Alexandr Štefek, Tomáš Brezina, V 15th Mechatronika 2012 Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Mechatronics - Mechatronika 2012, ČVUT FEL Praha, 2012.
D. Maga – S. Pavlíková: A Contribution to Minimal Energy Effect. Editor(i): Jalovecky,R., Stefek,A., V 6th Advances in Mechatronics 2011, University of Defence, Faculty of Military Technology, Brno, str. 27–34, 2011.